list files in storage using a filter or expression

gregthegeek     Sep 15 11:32PM 2017 CLI

Is it possible to list files in storage using a filter or expression? Rather than doing a list -files and dumping the entire storage, I'd like to check that certain files were backed up last time. like so: duplicacy list -files */A-SpecificFolder/*.xlsx

And while I'm asking, is it possible to list only the most recent snapshot without knowing the snapshot/rev number?

gchen    Sep 16 12:54PM 2017

Currently it is not supported, but you can pipe the output of duplicacy list -file into grep. See this for example:

And there is no way to specify the latest snapshot without specifying the exact revision number.

gregthegeek    Sep 16 2:39PM 2017

Ok thanks. And yeah, my first thought was to grep, but what if I'm on windows?

On the latest snapshot question, what I was really thinking is that it would be most helpful to get the latest file listing in the storage, not necessarily a specific revision. (although that is needed, of course, if you want point in time) So I could easily dump the files currently in the backup, which would be helpful to know. If the list -files command dumps all the snapshots/revs and files for all, that's not really helpful to check the current state. Just my thoughts. Thanks again for your help.

gchen    Sep 16 10:58PM 2017

findstr should work on windows:

Can you file a github issue for the latest revision request? I remember some users on this forum wanted this feature but a github issue would help me not forget this.

gregthegeek    Sep 20 4:45AM 2017

Yeah I'd be happy to, I'll add one tomorrow.