Encrypted & Unencrypted backups to same service?

ylluminate     Jul 3 11:45AM 2017 GUI

With the change to Amazon Cloud Drive where they've limited storage, but still offer unlimited image / picture backups, is it possible to set up two separate backups to the same service where the pictures are backed up in an unencrypted format while everything else is encrypted?

Also, does anyone know with any certainty if Amazon is also allowing for family videos to be uploaded with this same freedom of unlimited storage? I suspect not for various reasons that will make it hard for them to differentiate, etc.

gchen    Jul 3 8:37PM 2017

Duplicacy saves files in its own format in the storage, even for unencrypted backups. So images/pictures won't be stored in Amazon Cloud Drive as images/pictures. Besides, we don't officially support Amazon Cloud Drive.