Microsoft OneDrive support: Personal or Business editions?

Jeffaco     Mar 5 5:30PM 2018 GUI

Apparently, Microsoft has two versions of OneDrive:

  • OneDrive personal, which I'm pretty sure Duplicacy supports today, and
  • OneDrive business, which uses a separate API (so I'm told)

OneDrive for business is included in offerings like Office 365, which gives you 1TB of free storage. OneDrive personal is much "stingier" with storage.

Does Duplicacy support OneDrive (business edition)? If not, are there plans to support this?



gchen    Mar 5 10:32PM 2018

I need to read their doc again to see how difficult it is. Last time I checked it was so confusing to me that I had no clue how to start.

JarnoP    Mar 6 4:17AM 2018

I have Office 365 Home subscription and I am backing up to one of the account's 1TB OneDrive without problems. But the personal Office 365 subscriptions use the OneDrive (not for Business). The Win 10 client is the same for both business and personal OneDrive.

gchen    Mar 6 9:14PM 2018

My plan is to work on the WebDAV backend first after the official release of 2.1.0, and then OneDrive Business after that.