"Restore" restores only one file instead doing all selected files or the whole folder

Alexei     Apr 27 5:07PM 2018 GUI

When I select a group of files it will only restore one of them. Same if I choose a folder to be restored: it will restore only the first file in the folder.

I'm using v2.1

gchen    Apr 27 10:24PM 2018

I think there was an error that caused other files to fail to be restored but unfortunately it is a bug in the restore code that doesn't show the error. You can try running the CLI to see what error it is:

cd /path/to/repository
duplicacy restore -r revision -- dir/to/be/restored/*

On Windows, the Duplicacy CLI executable can be found under either C:\Program Files (x86)\Duplicacy or C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Duplicacy, depending on if you installed Duplicacy for all users or for the current user only.

On macOS, the Duplicacy CLI executable is usually under /Applications/Duplicacy.app/Contents/Resources.

EssexBoyRacer    May 16 4:36AM 2018

I'm having the same issue from the GUI.

Here's what I get when I run the command from command line

Steves-MacBook-Pro:Restore_Duplicacy stevebuck$ duplicacy restore -r 92 -- "Data/Data/iTunes/Music/2Pac/*"
Storage set to b2://BoxroomNASDuplicacy
Restoring /Users/stevebuck/Downloads/Restore_Duplicacy to revision 92
Downloaded Data/Data/iTunes/Music/2Pac/Live at House of Blues/07 Doggfather.mp3 (3430439)
Failed to change uid or gid: chown /Users/stevebuck/Downloads/Restore_Duplicacy/Data/Data/iTunes/Music/2Pac/Live at House of Blues/07 Doggfather.mp3: operation not permitted

EssexBoyRacer    May 16 4:39AM 2018

Actually, I added sudo and now it's working from command line.