Duplicacy Config file: the download quota for this file has been exceeded

borgqueenx     Mar 17 9:41AM 2018 GUI

How do i fix this?

Jeffaco    Mar 17 1:21PM 2018

A good start would be to talk to the Duplicati people here.

Duplicati is a completely different program than Duplicacy. One is written in .NET, works great on Windows, but relies on "questionable" ports of .NET (Mono) for portability.

The other (Dupicacy) is written in Go, and is portable from the start, since "Go" was designed to be portable.

gchen    Mar 17 8:53PM 2018

@borgqueenx if you meant Duplicacy, what storage backend are you using and can you make sure you're not hitting the quota for that storage?

borgqueenx    Mar 18 7:05AM 2018

Sorry, i was confused. Im indeed using Duplicacy. Im using google drive for business. Its a google API error.

gchen    Mar 18 9:58PM 2018

I don't know if the API for google drive business is the same as the personal one. If you are using Google Team Drives, then it is definitely a different API and Duplicacy currently doesn't support it.

towerbr    Mar 19 4:41PM 2018

May I suggest changing the name of the topic (Duplicati -> Duplicacy)?

gchen    Mar 19 9:50PM 2018

The topic has been updated.

daviid    Mar 25 11:15AM 2018

I have also been getting this error when backing up to Google Drive (not business) when scheduled for daily backups. I have recently been backing up manually (not daily) and it seems to help.

gchen    Mar 25 7:57PM 2018

According to a comment on this page:

The Google Drive API enforces additional, undocumented quotas in order to protected our backends from abuse. Unfortunately the exact details on these additional quotas cannot be made public

This quota must be really low if you're only running daily backups. How many repositories are you backing up to the same storage?

daviid    Mar 26 8:49PM 2018

Three, although only two at daily intervals, the other is weekly. The repositories are to different folders though, so would that matter for a file for a different repository?